What is Git
- Git is a version control system.
- It is open source.
- It is used to collaborate between the team
- It uses to track the changes like what changes are made, its history including who has done the changes.
Download the Git
Below is the link where you can download the git. You can download it for any OS.
- Windows - Installer can be downloaded.
- Mac - Homebrew can be used.
Basic Commands
1. Git Config
- Git configurations need to be added first when you start using it.
- User Name and User email address(linked to repository hosting platform) will be used when you does the commits.
Add User Name
git config --global user.name "Laxmi Nimbalkar"
Add User Email
git config --global user.email "abcd@gmail.com"
2. Git Init
Initialise the repository
git init
3. Git Status
This command helps us to get the status of the git in current repository. It give us details of branch we are on and also the list of tracked and untracked files.
git status
4. Git Add
This command helps us to add tracked and untracked files to the staging environment. Basically we stage the files which needs to be pushed.
Staging environment is that environment where we give the confirmation on the files which needs to be pushed to repository
Add specific files.
git add one.js two.js
Add all files. (Dot operator)
git add .
5. Git Commit
This command is used once you stage the files and these files needs to committed giving the message about what specific changes does.
git commit -m "Adding new files"
6. Git Push
This command is used to push the changes i.e to push your committed files to your remote repository.
git push origin <branch_name>
This blog just covers the basic git commands. In future next part will be released. Please wait for the update.